About Me
I’ve always been curious about what makes us who we are, and my interests, pastimes and working life reflect this. I'm an older generation natural world loving, new experience driven, sometimes cosy on down driven, bunch of life experiences. Just like you, most likely.
I love spending time with my family and the next generation of young ones, especially if its doing active things in the great outdoors.
Whether its walking up & down mountains, playing in or under the sea or the river, I love the real feeling of connection to the natural world.
In the context of therapy work , I first trained in hypnotherapy 25 years ago and worked in a clinical setting. After a while I felt the need to address certain things in my own life and retrained in a design discipline as a mature student. This led into work writing articles for various ecological building journals and other lifestyle magazines.
I was making connections between my interests in the natural world and our psychological and physical well being, specifically in relation to optimizing wellbeing in domestic environments. Sounds like a grand theme and I felt really strongly about it.

The realities of meeting the financial needs of our family meant turning this knowledge and skillset into creating a small building maintenance business, helping people create their desired home.
During that period I think I took my eye off the ball, before I knew it, years had passed and I'd begun to feel more and more disconnected from a sense of meaning in the work I was doing and a sense of dread of it too.
I began to feel pretty stuck and demoralised, I had all the symptoms you could think of in terms of stress and anxiety and hopelessness but knew there was something much better for me out there.
During the lockdowns my work stopped for a while.
I had a glimpse of what was missing. Like others at this time, I was able to reassess what life was about.
I started a practice of Yoga and began to unwind years of exhausted builders body.
I had the opportunity to slow down and I began to look for a way into work more alligned to my values.
I realised how anxious I'd been about this.
The re-cogntion of some basic self care for me was like a coming home.
The gift to me at that time was deciding to return to practice.
relevant training and experience.
Advanced instructor with Oxygen Advantage . https://oxygenadvantage.com/ 2023
UK college of hypnosis and hypnotherapy https://www.ukhypnosis.com/
Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy 2021.
Diploma in Stress Management & Resilience Building 2022.
Centre Training School of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (Distinction.) 1997.
Professional memberships
General Hypnotherapy Standards Council in conjunction with the General Hypnotherapy Register. registration number 9121.
Registered Hypnotherapist Fully insured